Mikhail Vorobyev
Hi! I'm a web developer from Tyumen. I believe that the web should be helpful and accessible to everybody, and I choose jobs and projects according to this belief. In Lepekhin Studio we have a great team of good designers, managers and engineers that help business owners achieve their dreams by making better products for their clients. And I teach and develop interfaces at online bootcamp Practicum.
Some of my works
- Neiro-psy clinics 🇷🇺
- Let's speak and write correctly 🇷🇺
- Price generator 🇬🇧
- HTML E-mail constructor 🇷🇺
- Grossmeister Capital AG 🇬🇧 🇩🇪 🇷🇺
Send offers to cooperate, questions and comments to intro@internet.ru.
Code snippets